So targets for last week (Week 4) were:
Swim ~1 mile. Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. XC Race.
Actuals were:
Monday - Swim with TPT. 1,775m with kick drills and some fins.
Tuesday - Run round Dyce 3.1 miles. 29mins. Same speed as a fortnight ago despite the snow.
Wednesday - Gym Brick 45mins each on treadmill and bike. 5 miles and 14.1 miles. Bit of a niggle in left knee. Probably from running in the snow in my adidas swoops 4 times in a week. They are too narrow for my orthotics. Also sniffle is back :(
Thursday - Swim at Bucksburn. 650m, 20mins.
Friday - 4 miles at Kirkhill in the snow with Dexter. 46mins so pretty slow, but slogging through thigh high drifts in places.
Saturday - Swim at Bucksubrn. 700m of assorted drills and a few practice turns in 35 mins.
Then 4 miles at Kirkhill again, 42 mins this time through less snow.
Dexter now knows the route better than me so thinks he can run off ahead. Which is fine till he comes back to me and I am too busy watching him charging towards me to watch where I am putting my feet. Took a bit of a slide on some packed snow and twisted my already niggly left knee.
Sunday - Rest day. Partly because I needed one, partly because of the knee.
Result - Swim ~2 miles. Bike 14 miles. Run 18 miles. XC Race.
Disappointing numbers on the bike after dropping Sunday's session rather than risking my knee. First target I have missed this year. And also disappointing to drop Saturday's race out of my plan but that was worth it to have an extra day to play with Dexter. The swim and run numbers are way ahead of plan every week and my bike miles are low this week but still averaging over 31 a week due to the big numbers from previous weeks.
In other news, my improved diet is suffering against my need for increased calorie intake. I am still eating better than I did previously but whilst I am keeping on top of the additional fruit and veg, the sheer volumes are back up and some of the junk snacks are back in. Time and laziness constraints are also meaning that the easiest thing for dinner is often sneaking in instead of the healthiest thing. Not complaining though as my weight is staying pretty stable while the veins on my arms suggest my body fat is continuing to reduce at a sensible rate. As these were the two outcomes the improved diet is aimed at, the extra snacks and treats are probably saving me from losing too much too fast.