Sunday, 31 March 2013

Training Plan - Week 14 - April 1 to 7

Monday  - Swim with TPT. 

Tuesday - Run at Dyce, 3 mile loop. A stretching session. 

Wednesday - Swim 30mins steady or drills, (with some turns if the pool is quiet). 

Thursday - Gym brick 1 hour bike, 45 min run

Friday - Easy bike or run. MTB?!

Saturday - Rest day. Maybe easy core and stretching session.

Sunday - Knockburn Duathlon Run 4km, Bike 17km, Run 4k; or Clachnaben Hill Race Run 13.6km. Would have liked to do both but timings make it impossible. Final call on which race will be made on the day based on the weather conditions for biking.

Target totals - Swim >1.5 miles Bike >28 miles. Run >13 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Reshuffled the targets again for this week. They are built around the more likely option of doing Knockburn duathon and don't include anything from the Friday session. If I was to get 7 miles on a bike on Friday that would also put me up over my new average targets.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Training Review - Week 12 - March 18 to 24

Monday I was still suffering a bit from Saturday's escapades in the cold. The headache wouldn't go away for more than a couple of hours at a time and I was generally achey. Had to move back down to lane 2 to get a space at swimming but I wasn't the only one so we did the full lane 3 session. Working on breathing and some body rotation drills.

Tuesday I had to run on my own, but I did my basic loop around Dyce instead of just the treadmill. Took about half a mile to get moving but once I was going it felt the most comfortable and most like actual running rather than jogging. Fastest I have done that loop since January 2009 and I felt like there was still another gear available. Been doing too many short runs like this though, need to stop spreading my weekly runs over 3 or 4 sessions and get out for longer runs.

Wednesday is brick day. Still finding it much harder to bike/run than it is to run/bike. Did my full hour on the bike and then did 30mins of the run. 10mins up on last week, and upped the pace quite a bit as well from 2 miles last week to 3.5 this week. Next week I think I am going to put a lighter day between my short run and my brick, or do my run at a much more sedate pace. 

Niggle in the outside of my left soleus is getting more annoying. Nothing major so far, just tightness. Has been building up for about a week now. Needs a stretch and a roller before running or biking on it again.

Thursday. Rest Day. Rest days are so exhausting. 

Friday. Another Rest Day. Really beyond exhausted! Did a bit of very light rollering to try and ease off my soleus.

Saturday. Went to Peterhead for a run/swim. Running gently uphill for 2 miles seemed very easy, only once I turned to run back towards town I realised how strong the wind had been and it was much harder getting back. Then I went for an hour swim session with a friend of mine. She is still pretty new so was giving her some technical tips to work on. Forgot to count  laps though so distance was a bit of a guess. 

Also decided that Sunday bike session will be in the gym or on the turbo. Too cold this weekend to risk another bout of hypothermia. This means that next weekend is going to be my only ride before my next race so I shouldn't have to worry so much about salt / snow corrosion and I have finally changed out the rusty chain on my road bike. Will run it in next weekend.

Sunday went to the gym and just rolled an easy 60mins (18.6miles) on the gym bike. Despite 2 rest days and 2 light days I am still exhausted. Not in a muscle fatigue way so still don't think it is from over-training. Just not sleeping properly. Going to try and cut down on caffiene a bit this week to see if I can get into a stable sleep pattern to see if that helps.

Made all my targets this week but without going much over the target numbers.

So targets for last week (Week 12) were:
Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Actuals were:
Monday - Swim with TPT, 1,750m.

Tuesday - 5k (3.1miles) run around Dyce loop 23mins.

Wednesday - Gym Brick. 1 hr bike 18.5 miles, 30mins treadmill run 3.5 miles.

Thursday - Rest day.

Friday - Rest day. Light rollering.

Saturday - Easy run 4miles in 34mins and then swim session at Peterhead ~750m, 1hr.  Light stretching and a bit of rollering.

Sunday - Gym bike. 1 hr bike, 18.6 miles.

Result - 
Swim 1.6 miles (2,500 m). Bike 37.1 miles. Run 10.6 miles. 2 half rollering / strecthing sessions.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Training Plan - Week 13 - March 25 to 31

Monday  - Swim with TPT. 

Tuesday - Run at Dyce, 3 mile loop and a stretching session. There are a couple of Strava segments on my basic Dyce loop that I think I should have topped the rankings for last week,... if I had checked that I had satellites before I started! If I am on a solo run again I intend to take a chunk of time out of at least one of those.

Wednesday - Swim 30mins steady or drills, (with some turns if the pool is quiet). 

Thursday - Gym brick 1 hour bike, 45 min run

Friday - Rest day. Maybe easy core and stretching session.

Saturday - Long bike or long run.

Sunday - Long run or long bike.

Target totals - Swim >1.5 miles Bike >40 miles. Run >15 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Switched the brick by a day so it doesn't come right on the back of my Tuesday run session. Hopefully this will be enough to get me through it completely this week. 

I also really want to take the mountain bike out at the weekend, just for a change from road biking as much as anything else but I still need to get the brakes replaced.

Minimum target numbers are up specifically for this week. Partly as I will have lower numbers to fit in a race next week (not sure whether I will do Knockburn Duathlon or Clachnaben hill race yet) and partly as I need to be doing longer single runs. I keep coming up with excuses to do several short runs and no longer ones, so I am going to move the number up a bit so that it isn't possible to just sneak it in with 3 short runs.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Training Review - Week 11 - March 11 to 17

Monday I was back in the lane 3 for my swim session. The set was half drills and half swimming so I was really pleased to get to 2,000m.

Tuesday's run was a struggle. We took a new route, just for a change. it is slightly shorter, and was slightly slower. Really heavy legs again. Have checked my diary and still can't find a link.

Wednesday's brick was an improvement on last week. I did the whole planned hour on the bike and did twice as much of my run as last week. Still well short of the 45min run I planned but it is massively harder to bike then run than it is to run then bike. As long as I am improving that session week on week I don't mind taking a few more weeks to build it back up to the full 1 hr and 45mins.

Thursday I skipped my swimming plan for another cinema trip (Oz the Great and Powerful - not great or powerful but even dyed green with a fake latex nose and chin I would still do unspeakable things to Mila Kunis). I did get time to fit in a 20 minute treadmill though. 

Saturday started like an ok ride in the cold. For the first 40 minutes or so it was chilly but not too bad. Then we hit the first rain shower and then a snow flurry. We backed off the pace as the roads got slidy but the build up of snow on the outside of my jacket suggested that I had enough layers on and was managing to keep the heat in. At about 1 hour 25 we had a 2 minute food and comfort stop in Dinnet, and dusted off some of the worst of the snow. After this I thought I was just a bit cold again but the next half hour went rapidly downhill. Enough of the snow had got through my jackets and run down inside inside my gloves that my fingers started to freeze. By the time we got to Aboyne and I had done 5 miles without being able to brake or change gears I decided to call it a day and went to hide in a coffee shop and wait for a rescue. I am still symptomatic trying to type this after 4 hours, a hot bath, two bowls of chilli and so many coffees I have lost count. A combination of Wikipedia, NHS Direct website and the erratic download from my cadence sensor suggests I was well into moderate hypothermia. 

Lessons learned for future though. Including, do not have a hot bath until you are properly warmed up. NHS Direct website told me this after I was out of the bath. But I can confirm their warning that it did screw up my heart rate and took a lot of the blood and oxygen away from my brain, and probably my other major organs. So, as much as it seems like a good idea to get warm quickly, even after 3 hours of gradual warming, be careful if your extremities are still cold!

Sunday I was looking for 400m swim and 3 mile run to finish off my week. Did 800m swim at Bucksburn then an easy 3 mile run in 26 mins. No major problems after Saturday.

So targets for last week (Week 11) were:
Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Actuals were:

Monday - Swim with TPT, 2,000m in Lane 3.

Tuesday - Jog around Dyce. New route. 2.7 miles, 23mins.

Wednesday - Gym Brick. 1 hour, 18.5 miles exercise bike. 18 mins, 2 miles treadmill. 

Thursday -  Cinema getting in the way of swimming again. 20mins on treadmill, 2.3 miles.

Friday - Rest day. Light stretching and a bit of rollering.

Saturday - Long ride. 27.3 miles in 2 hours. 

Sunday - Swim 800m, 30 mins. And easy 3 mile run in 25:45.

Result - 
Swim 1.7 miles (2,800 m). Bike 45.8 miles. Run 10.0 miles. 1 x stretching / rollering session.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Training Plan - Week 12 - March 18 to 24

Monday  - Swim with TPT. 

Tuesday - Run at Dyce, 3.5 mile loop and a stretching session.

Wednesday - Gym brick 1 hour bike, 45 min run

Thursday - Swim 30mins steady or drills, (with some turns if the pool is quiet) and core.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Long bike or long run.

Sunday - Long run or long bike.

Target totals - Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Same plan as the last few weeks. Will probably switch to riding sunday this week. Partly for the change, and partly because the bike will need a service after some funny noises on saturday's freezing ride. Or if my new mtb brakes arrive in time I may switch the ride for mtb, just for a bit of variety.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Training Review - Week 10 - March 4 to 10

Change of layout. Decided I might as well put the explanations up front. 

Struggled for most of this week. Didn't sleep well for a few days and was really suffering for motivation, and from being physically exhausted. Can't really place why. Last Sunday's race wasn't particularly hard, and last week as a whole was fairly light on totals even though some of them were quite fast, so it is unlikely to be from over-training. 

Despite wanting to just go straight home after work, I forced myself to the gym on Wednesday and then bailed early on both sections of my brick. First time I have done the brick the right way round so did at least have something positive out of it.

Thursday I had to drop my swim to fit in a cinema trip. (Broken City, don't bother it's much too slow). I did manage to fit in a run on the treadmill though and got the missed session from Tuesday. Stepped the pace up a bit because I knew I had a rest day on Friday to recover.

Saturday's ride started fairly terribly. I just wasn't in the mood for it after the mondeo failing to start in the morning, and having to then unpack it and set up the bike rack on the RR and then rush to get to the start of the ride. By about 20miles in I was just about settling in and feeling comfortable. Then from 30-40 was freezing. Top of Queen's View was cold and the descent into the wind was horrible. Despite my Sealskinz socks and gloves my feet were completely numb and my hands were so cold I couldn't shift gears with my left hand and had to keep reaching over with my right when I needed a front gear change. Despite that it was my second longest ride of the year, and my second fastest as well.

Sunday I had decided to pick up all the missed bits of my weekly plan by running to the pool, doing an easy swim and running home again. But the weather fairy didn't like that plan and I woke up to a blizzard. So I drove to the pool and swam 900m and then tried a lazy run on the treadmill. I had hoped that once I was on and moving I might manage to get the 6 miles to fill out my week but I felt exhausted and stiff so I stopped early again. I am so far ahead of my running plan for this year that one bad week is not even a mild concern.

So targets for last week (Week 10) were:
Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Actuals were:

Monday - Swim with TPT, 1,500m in Lane 2. Mostly because lane 3 was mobbed but partly because I was tired from racing.

Tuesday - Nothing. Nearly 2 hours in traffic getting home and then really couldn't be bothered.

Wednesday - Gym brick. Bike 45 mins, 13.6 miles. Run 9 mins, 1 mile.

Thursday -  Treadmill. 24:45 for 5k. 

Friday - Rest day. Little bit of light rollering and stretching.

Saturday - Long ride. 47.1 miles in 3 hrs 10 with DTCC.

Sunday - Easy swim 900m in 21 mins. Treadmill 15 mins 1.5 miles.

Result - 
Swim 1.5 miles (2,400 m). Bike 60.7 miles. Run 5.6 miles. 1 x stretching / rollering session.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Training Plan - Week 11 - March 11 to 17

Monday  - Swim with TPT. Hopefully back up to lane 3 with the faster group again.

Tuesday - Run at Dyce, 3.5 mile loop and a stretching session.

Wednesday - Gym brick 1 hour bike, 45 min run

Thursday - Swim 30mins steady or drills, (with some turns if the pool is quiet) and core.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Long bike or long run.

Sunday - Long run or long bike.

Target totals - Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Keeping the targets down to my base numbers for an average week this week because of how much I struggled through the first half of last week.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Race Report - Aboyne Duathlon

First time I have done Aboyne Duathlon.

It was very busy. 105 entrants. Some people I didn't expect to see, but no-one that I didn't want to see. So was managing to stay pretty relaxed up to the start.

Here is a picture of me before the race, not looking particularly unhappy about it:

I was feeling pretty lethargic before it started so I decided to take it easy and see how things went. The first run I started near the back and just took the first mile as a bit of a warm-up and then gradually worked my way through the field. It felt like I was running in treacle, but in reality I was doing about 7min/miles as opposed to the 8:30-9 that I have been training at. 18:22 for the first run was much better than I expected.

My transition was a bit sloppy. Planning ahead, and remembering it was a 105 person mass start race where everyone would be returning to first transition within a few minutes of each other, I purposefully set up on the far side of the rack from everyone else so that I could avoid the elbows. It gave me more space and despite faffing with my bike shoes I made a couple of places.

The bike is as flat as you could wish for. Strava says only 279ft over the 9miles. There was a bit of a headwind on the first half, and my legs were not enjoying it. My left hip was feeling pretty stiff and both quads were aching. I was on and off the tri-bars as I tried to get comfortable with my shoulder. And in hindsight looking at the cadence track on my garmin it looks like I was turning too high a gear.

The second half of the bike was a totally different story though. Out of the headwind and I was picking off plenty of people who had paced their races poorly. I was spending plenty of time on the tri-bars, in high gears and sweeping along feeling pretty good.

At about 7 miles I overtook a pair who were drafting each other and they then sat on my wheel. I checked a few times when I heard them changing gears (you are definitely inside 7 metres if I can hear you changing gears in the wind, at 20mph, with my TT helmet on) but I avoided the urge to shout abuse at them, or to sacrifice a few seconds of my own race by dabbing the brakes or weaving to make a point. Coming back into Aboyne, I did take an intentionally wide line coming onto the bridge and then kicked hard to make a gap.

Transition 2 was slightly better than T1, but still not great, just tidy.

Run 2, I expected to really struggle, and to lose a lot of the places I had made up on the bike. But I got out fairly comfortably and ran within 4 seconds of the first run. I picked off a lot of people (8, I think) during the second run and only lost 2. One to a guy who was flying, and one in the last 200m. Was surprised at some of the people I caught, and comparing results afterwards, surprised at the people I almost caught.

Considering my training has all been geared to basic fitness and building distance I am quite chuffed to have been so close to people who normally beat me comfortably, especially over such a short race.

Next race on the plan is Knockburn Duathlon on April 7th. Given the hilliness of the course there, I should hate it. I spent a lot of wednesday evenings last year dragging myself round the run loops before swimming though, so I should know the course as well as anyone. Another month in the bag and I might even be doing some faster days so should hopefully be a good race for me.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Training Review - Week 9 - w/e Mar 3rd

So targets for last week (Week 9) were:
Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Actuals were:

Monday - Swim with TPT, 2,000m.

Tuesday - Run around Dyce. Short loop, 3.1 miles in 26 mins.

Wednesday - Gym brick. 45 mins treadmill, 5.4 miles, 35mins exercise bike, 11 miles. Shortened due to being knackered.

Thursday - Swim at Bucksburn. Some attempts at turns. Pool was mobbed so hardly did anything.

Friday - Gym bike. 11.1 miles in 35mins.

Saturday - Rest day. Some light stretching and foam rollering.

Sunday - Aboyne Duathlon. Run 1, 4.2km (2.65 miles) in 18 mins 26. 14.7km (9.15 miles) in 29 mins 09. Run 2, 4.2km (2.65 miles) in 18 mins 22.

Result - 
Swim 1.4 miles (2,300m). Bike 31.25 miles. Run 13.8 miles. 

Moving up a swim lane on Monday is a big difference in workload. Instead of Monday being ~1,600m sessions it is now a ~2,000m session. 25% increase is a big jump. There doesn't seem to be a huge pace difference though, they just cut the breaks between reps and sets down to the bare minimum.

Wednesday to Saturday were all bad days.

Wednesday I felt ok during my treadmill run but I was struggling once I got on the bike and bailed half an hour early on my brick session. I could have finished it but I felt I was doing more damage to the rest of my week than the benefit I was getting from finishing that session. Then I got home to find my new bike rack and seat post had arrived. I spent hours (actual hours not hyperbolic ones) trying to assemble the rack and fit the seatpost. Somehow, I still have a part left over from the seatpost. Also broke my kindle (£79 for a replacement). And one of my minions announced she was leaving. Not a good day!

Thursday there were 52 people in the pool at Bucksburn. Mostly kids. So I got no actual swimming done, and did some really bad turning practice. Could really have used a nice easy swim to try and relax.

Friday I figured the lack of any proper exercise on Thursday would have meant I could get back on it but my 35 mins on the exercise bike was awful.

Saturday, I decided to go for a full on rest day. Went for a haircut. Went to see Wreck-it Ralph. Kerbed the wheels on my new car avoiding a muppet in an Silver A6 and wrecked the alloys and tore the tyre. Had another go at the brakes on the mountain bike, the callipers are completely knackered (looks like over £100 for replacements) and replaced the pads on the road bike so they might actually stop me. I did a bit of very minimal foam rollering and stretching to try and ease off some of the stiffest bits before racing Sunday.

Sunday was Aboyne Duathlon, which will get it's own race report tomorrow. But if you can't wait, you can read Lucy's race report here. Then when I came home I felt lazy about how little I had done this weekend so I did a core session and some more stretching. 

Overall; in a week full of bad days, I went well over my run target yet again, I made my bike target (just), and was within 4 lengths of my swim target. And had a half decent race as well. IF this is going to be the pattern for a bad week I can live with it. 

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Training Plan - Week 10 - March 4 to 10

Monday  - Swim with TPT. Staying in lane 3 with the faster group again.

Tuesday - Run at Dyce, 3.5 mile loop and a stretching session.

Wednesday - Gym brick 1 hour bike, 45 min run. Should be somewhere around 5 miles and 18 miles, but this will be the first time that they are the right way round. 

Thursday - Swim 30mins steady or drills, (with some turns if the pool is quiet) and core.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Long bike or long run.

Sunday - Long run or long bike.

Target totals - Swim >1.5 miles Bike >31 miles. Run >10 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Staying down to my base numbers for an average week this week because of how much I struggled through last week.