Last week of the year. Started with a horrible run in a storm. I had my full set of waterproofs on and still got soaked through. But I did force myself to go out in it and get some miles in. They were slow and uncomfortable, but I did them. I may have to grab a few more like this if the weather forecasters are right and I still want to get my 33 miles to finish the Strava challenge.
I went to swimming with the intention of coasting through the session to try and ease off my back. But the session turned out to be full of short reps, and once I was moving my back was fine. So I decided to start a couple of weeks early on next years plan to go shorter and faster. Didn't pace it quite right though. Was working really hard for the first 1500m, and putting in some really good times. But by then I was pretty much knackered, and I knew I had to get home for Dexter getting dropped off, so called it a day early. This leaves me looking for 2,100m next Monday in order to make 85 miles for the year.
Tuesday the weather was a bit nicer, so Dex and I went for a wee jog at Kirkhill. About half way up the hill a blizzard appeared out of nowhere. We had a quick think about turning back but it was going to be as easy just to get the miles in while we were there, so we pushed on to the top. It was pretty slow fighting the weather but we kept going. Did 4.7 miles. So made up some of Sunday's missed miles and got back on track for the 33 mile challenge.
Xmas day!
I took Dexter out for a run around Elgin. We did the Xmas Sprint route, or as much of it as we could as a lot of areas are fenced off for the flood alleviation scheme that seems to have taken over the town. Technically I won the Xmas Sprint for a second year in a row, but since no-one else was there it was a hollow victory. A huge headwind also means it was probably the slowest time ever recorded. I clocked 3.3 miles which is the ordinary day plan to hit the Strava target. I am still a mile and a half behind from not running on Sunday but should make that up (and hopefully more) tomorrow.
Also Santa brought me some new biking bits and pieces that will all need to get fitted and tested before I go back to work. And plenty of warm socks so I can be even more comfy as I sit at home avoiding training and failing to do any of my core or stretching work.
Boxing Day.
Dexter and I went for a slightly longer lap at Kirkhill. Garmin took it's time to find some satellites so it is half a mile short. This is going to mean I have to get the extra half mile somewhere else in order to complete my Strava challenge. I had also planned to improve my KoM run time on one of the routes to the top, but I hadn't allowed enough for the cold weather and dog allergy affecting my breathing. I was struggling a bit and wasn't helped by it being a south-facing climb at lunchtime, so I was pretty much blinded by the sun for the whole climb. I have caught up the miles for missing Sunday now, so 'all' I need to do is 3.3 miles each day from now. If I want to bike instead on Sunday I will need to stick in another couple of 5's somewhere.
Friday was a fairly terrible weather day when we got up, but it cleared before lunch so we went out for a longer run. To get to 33 I need to do 11 miles every 3 days but I want to skip a run in favour of a ride on Sunday so I decided to squeeze 11 miles into 2 days. Did 6.1 today, but it felt more like 8 as I was dragging and anchor the whole way. Dexter was not in the mood till about 3 miles in, and he was fed up again by the time we got to 4. But we got round, and are looking at doing a similarly slow 5 miler tomorrow.
Also since it was a quiet day I did my weights session, some stretching, and 40mins of yoga.
Saturday I was a bit confused by it being the weekend. Having been on holiday for so long I am pretty much lost with what day of the week it is. I took Dexter out for a planned 5-miler. But he was being a total pain in the ass. I was having to stop and walk while he dawdled along. I planned to cut back at 3 but just before that turn he suddenly decided he was in the mood after all and picked up to my pace so I threw in an extra loop and we went on for just over 4. We did manage to recce a wee hill for hill reps next year. I then had to give Dexter back.
I have run enough miles for a marathon this week. For only the second time this year. This leaves me looking for 7 more for my Strava challenge. I am going to try and grab them all on Monday, so I can just mountain bike on Tuesday, but will see how I feel on the day.
I am now ahead on run miles so I can take a bike day. The Kintore Sunday guys want to go 57miles, starting at 9:30, which is too far and too late for me. But they plan to ride pretty much past my house. So I have decided to roll out to meet them at the start, and then group back with them, past Dyce and on for a little bit, and then finish off with a short solo back home. 40 mile target, but weather dependent, if I have to solo into the wind it might get shortened as I won't make it to the start and will jump on the back as they pass.
It turned out to be a lovely day, a bit chilly maybe, but I pedalled out to the start in plenty of time. Then rolled along in the pack for 20miles, before turning for home again for my planned 40. I was doing plenty of turns at the front and feeling fine this week. Just every time we hit any sort of climb I go straight out the back. Need to find a hill somewhere for doing cycle reps to try and sort that out next year.
Monday I planned to do 7 miles to finish off the Strava challenge. The weather was terrible and I was tempted to slip the run to Tuesday, but got an offer for a run at Kirkhill so I dragged myself out in the rain. Was a good day out, chased a few Strava segments and picked up one more KoM as well.
Obviously having done a fairly hard hill run, my swim coach's telepathic ability to punish me was as effective as always and this then meant it would turn out to be a heavy kick session at swim training. It was a nice quiet day in the pool though, so we adapted it a little to fit.
Was meant to be mountain biking at Kirkhill but the people I was going with all bailed because of the weather. I knew I was going to miss at least 2 of the next 3 days so I didn't want to miss this one. I went for a solo ride from my house just to test out the new shoes that Santa brought me and to check if the fiddling I had done to the rear suspension had helped. Both were great and I managed to roll in another 9.5 miles for the year taking me to 2,130 total. I also snuck in my first core session for a while.
Great end to the year. Full year review is mostly written and should be published about an hour after this one if I have set the timers properly.
Target totals - Swim >2 miles. Bike >40 miles. Run >33 miles. 1 short core, 1 short light weights and 2 short stretching sessions. 60mins of wii yoga.
Keep weight under 80kg.
Monday - Run 3.3 miles, 31 mins.
Swim with TPT, 1,500m in 33mins.
Tuesday - Run 4.7 miles, 47 mins.
Wednesday - Run 3.3 miles, 36mins. Xmas Sprint.
Thursday - Run 5.0 miles, 54mins.
Friday - Run 6.1 miles, 1 hour.
Light weights. Stretching. 40mins of wii yoga.
Saturday - Run 4.3 miles, 44mins.
Sunday - Bike 42.3 miles, 3hrs 14mins.
Monday - Run 7.0 miles, 70mins.
Swim with TPT 2,150m, 52mins.
Tuesday - MTB 9.5, in 54mins.
Actual totals - Swim 2.3 miles (3,650m). Bike 51.8 miles. Run 33.7 miles. 1 short core, 1 short light weights and 1 short stretching sessions. 40 mins of wii yoga.
Weight 78.5 kg.
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