Monday, 27 May 2013

Training Review - Week 21 - May 20 to 26

Monday - Shoulder and back still hurt. Did about 2/3 of swim session. But had all but given up after 10 minutes and was just paddling lengths instead of doing the prescribed session.

Tuesday - Kwik fit refused to MOT my mondeo because 50 miles of fuel "might not be enough". Then told me I need to rebook, but they can't do it for a month, then tried to charge me for the MOT they hadn't done. Told them to fuck off and had a rant at their customer services. Engine management light came on in the Range Rover. Warranty phone line doesn't get answered. Was meant to go mountain biking but adjustable seat post is broken. Only used it once. Had another rant at Wiggle. 

Wednesday during the day was pretty terrible. Went out to Knockburn anyway with a view to at least doing something. Met a couple of friends there who were about to go in the water. Decided to stick with my run first so got changed and went out for a basic 4-mile loop. That is now over 300 run miles for the year.

Then I had a go in the water. It was pretty cold still, but once I was going it wasn't too bad. Managed two laps, both under 12 mins. Either one of those would have been my fastest lap last year, and neither of them were pushing particularly hard.

Thursday I planned a quick brick before going to the cinema. Cinema got cancelled, but kept the short brick. Did a quick 5k on the treadmill then an easy 5 miles on the exercise bike. Then went to help a friend move house. Feeling much better than Tuesday already.

Friday. Weekend plans have got a bit out of hand, so need to keep my rest day today. Went to Hangover 3, not great, but worth sitting through for the bit after the credits. Then my best friend said she was leaving the country for at least 3 months. Probably not the best week for that. 

Saturday, well I mentioned above that the weekend plans had got out of hand. So Saturday I was talked into going for an 85-mile bike ride. I spent a while coming up with a nice route that should have looked like this.

Unfortunately I didn't quite know it well enough, so we ended up doing this instead: 

Turns out that the route we actually took is 90.5 miles instead of the planned 85. And also turns out that shooting along at 17mph for the first 2 and a half hours has consequences when it gets hilly later.

A couple of weeks ago I did my previous longest ride ever and produced a list of new top performances  but this ride eclipses the biggest ones:
Longest bike ride ever - 90.5 miles, (previous was 81.2 miles).
Longest time ever for a single exercise session 6 hours 28mins, [the 5:54 it shows above excludes stops] (previous was 5 hours 16 two weeks ago).
Second most climbing on a single ride 4,124 ft? Think Strava has this wrong as today was definitely more hilly than the 81 that they think holds this. 

But that is only half a weekend. And it didn't kill me. So Sunday I was talked into going for a ridiculously long run and a swim to finish out my week. The idea was to run about 16miles then swim one. However, the weather and a bit of common sense made an appearance at about the 7 mile mark on the run. I was really struggling with the heat and the tired legs from Saturday so bailed out at 8 miles, and walked the last mile back to the car park. Then managed to go in for a swim but took two easy laps and decided that was enough for the week.

So the totals for the week come out a bit short of targets. Stretching and core sessions are done on my own, when I feel like it, so they were always going to be first to fall off if I had depression problems. But the numbers include a stupidly long bike ride on the Saturday and three swims, including two outdoors. After such a bad start to the week and missing Tuesday with the broken bike it was good to end up so close to the targets.

So targets for last week (Week 21) were:

Swim >2.5 miles. Bike >65 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions. 

Actuals were:
Monday - 
Swim with TPT, 1,250m in 45 mins.

Tuesday - Nothing.

Wednesday - Run 4.0 miles, 30mins. Outdoor swim 1,200m in 24 mins.

Thursday - Treadmill run 3.11 miles, 24 mins. Exercise bike 5.0 miles, 16mins.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Bike 90.5 miles. 6 hrs 28mins.

Sunday - Run 8.4 in 1 hour 18. Outdoor swim 1,200m in 34 mins.

Result - 
Swim 2.3 miles (3,650 m). Bike 95.5 miles. Run 15.5 miles. 0 core and 0 stretching sessions.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Training Plan - Week 22 - May 27 to June 2

Monday - Swim with TPT. Stretching session.

Tuesday -  Easy run or mtb. Core.

Wednesday - Open water swim. Short run. Stretching. 

Thursday -  Brick. Core.

Friday - Rest day. Stretching. 

Saturday - Ming the Merciless Duathlon. 
Think it is about 12 run and 30 ride. Taking the new bike for a proper test ride. Not counting this against my target for setting PB's in races as I will be doing long-long version this year while I did short-short version last year.

Sunday -  Long ride or long run. Core.

Target totals - Swim >2 miles. Bike >45 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions. 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Back again

So the depression is back.

It has been creeping up for a couple of weeks now but it hasn't been anything like as bad as before and has been coming and going, so I didn't think it was really back, just maybe that I was a bit tired or something. 

I think it is probably related to the back and shoulder pain I have been having that is messing with my training, but not sure which was the cause and which the effect. Pain and tightness affects training, not training properly affects adrenaline and other hormone levels, imbalances cause more stress and more shaking, shaking increase pain and tightness, pain and tightness affects training....

But today is pretty much as bad as it has been for about 18 months. I have had the leg shakes for about 3 hours straight now and they aren't getting any less. This is in turn causing my hip and back and neck to get even tighter.

Being called fat yesterday certainly didn't help either. It has taken me a long time and a lot of hard work to get up to this weight and keep it stable. 

Having both cars and 2 bikes all break in the same day has been the final straw. No idea how I am getting to work tomorrow. Pretty sure that I don't even want to go, which is a bit stupid as I have been fine when I am at work.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Training Review - Week 20 - May 13 to 19

Monday I was having big problems with cramp during swimming and couldn't get rid of it.  Eventually gave up the session early. That is two days in a row I have had to quit swim sessions. For different reasons, but not a trend I want to continue. The cause of the cramp seems to have been my shoulder and back tightening up. So next stretching session I will specifically target back and shoulders

Tuesday I expected to struggle on my run after monday's back problems. And wearing the same shoes as Sunday so thought I might have the same trouble with blisters. But no such problems. The last few weeks have definitely been a step change in my running. 1 hour / 7 mile runs are suddenly feeling really easy. Did my 10-minute stretching session, then did another 5 minutes of back and shoulder stretches.

Wednesday I did a really short brick in the gym. Just had enough time to clear my legs out before going to see Star Trek Into Darkness again.

Thursday I went for an easy brick with a friend. I took the shiny new TT bike for it's first proper outing. Did an easy 17 miles in just over an hour, but 95% of that was just sat up, having a chat and turning the pedals. Even without pushing it or spending much time on the aeros it is still clearly quicker and rolls along the road better than my normal road bike. Then straight off the bike went for a 1 hour run. Covered 7.3 miles in just over an hour. Similar pace to Tuesday evening runs but managing that off the bike was good.

Friday I had a proper rest day. It was properly boring. I did a core session in the evening.

Saturday morning I went for an easy solo ride. Planned 30 miles but the weather was hard work in the wind and the rain was just starting to get worse as I neared home on my loop, so didn't bother with trying to add extras and rolled home in just under 23 miles.

Sunday I went for a long run. Still not quite figured out how to tie the loops around Dyce and the airport so my planned 9 turned into 9.5, would have been 10 if I hadn't taken a last minute shortcut. Some training days you learn new things. I still get a lot of these on bike and swim days but I don't often get these on running days at 22 years in. But I do occasionally relearn old things that I had forgotten. Today I relearned that a big bag of peanuts should not be consumed the night before a long run.

I was planning to round out my week by riding to the pool and grabbing the rest of the swim that I cut short on Monday but the pool was closed. I did put in my remaining core and stretching sessions for the week. And I did a XX second plank.

I am still having some problems with my shoulder and back since Monday, I have been trying to self massage the bits I can reach and stretch the rest but not really making any improvement. So I have given up and strapped myself up with the electric shock machine for an hour to see if that helps.

For the week I am slightly down on bike and swim numbers. But highest run mileage since a similar week January, and spread over only 3 and a bit runs instead of 5.

So targets for last week (Week 20) were:

Swim >1 mile. Bike >50 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions. 

Actuals were:
Monday - 
Swim with TPT, 1,000m in 35 mins.

Tuesday - 7 miles run in 62mins.

Stretching session, with extra back and shoulders.

Wednesday - Short Gym brick. Exercise bike 12 mins, 4 miles. Treadmill 12 mins, 1.5 miles

Thursday - TT bike, easy 17.1 miles, 1 hr 10. Run 7.3 miles, 1 hour 4. Stretching session.

Friday - Rest day. Core session.

Saturday - Easy ride 22.7 miles, 1 hr 31mins.

Core session.

Sunday - Long run 9.5 miles, 1 hr 24 mins.

Plank 40s
Core session.
Stretching session.

Result - 
Swim 0.62 mile (1,000 m). Bike 43.8 miles. Run 25.3 miles. 3 core and 3 stretching sessions.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Training Plan - Week 21 - May 20 to 26

Slight change of plan for this week. In addition to the normal sessions I considered going to the Highland Warrior Half-Ironman, and then just going round it as a training session. But having discussed with a friend we decided it would suit our wallets and training schedules better just to do our own fake half-ish distance with chances to warm up between swim and bike rather than trying to cope with the cold. Our races should both be in warmer conditions so biking cold and wet is pretty pointless as a training experience.

Monday - Swim with TPT. Stretching session.

Tuesday - *Change of plan - MTB at Kirkhill.* Core.

Wednesday - Swim or open water swim. Optional short run. Stretching. 

Thursday -  Short gym brick or run. Core. Cinema trip to Hangover 3.

Friday - Rest day. Stretching. 

Saturday - Long triathlon session. Open Water Swim ~1 mile, Bike ~50 miles, Run ~10 miles.

Sunday - Recovery day. Easy run. Core session.

Target totals - Swim >2.5 miles. Bike >65 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions. 

Monday, 13 May 2013

Training Review - Week 19 - May 6 to 12

Monday - I purposefully took the day off work to go for a "long" bike ride.  My initial plan was to go for another 50, or maybe 56, but a couple of texts later and somehow I was signed up  for doing 80. Had a few rough patches, around 40, 60 and 75 miles, none of which were major and all smoothed out after a couple of miles. But bearing in mind that my race distance is only 56 I don't need to worry about the second or third and the 40 mile one was fairly minor. That has come a long way since January where my first rough patch would show up at about the 15 mile mark and I would be ready to throw my bike in a hedge.

Only down side is that at some point I lost the magnet for my cadence sensor, so no pedalling data for this ride, or any other until I get a new replacement.

So where do I start with counting off the scores for this one:
Longest bike ride ever - 81.2 miles, (previous was 56 miles).
Longest time ever for a single exercise session, (previous was 4hours 41 of running / jogging / walking Edinburgh marathon in 2011).
Most climbing on a single ride 4,234 ft. (previous unknown but Strava says I have never been over 4,200 in a whole week before).
Fastest long ride ever? 16.0mph for moving time, 15.4mph including a couple of short stops. Bit of a fudge this one as it means discarding a lot of faster rides up to 26 miles. And a lot of my 40-56 rides have a much higher proportion of climbing in them than this nice flat route.

And since that didn't kill me I went to swimming at night as well.

Tuesday - At the 3 mile point on this run I passed my run total for the whole of 2012 of 251.8 miles. 

Felt pretty good on a nice warm evening running on the flat. Did just over 7 miles in an hour, which is pretty much my intended race pace for Aberfeldy. Doing this the day after my long ride and feeling fairly comfortable was really good.

Also 10min core session, 10min stretching session and plank 65 secs.

Wednesday I planned a run in the gym, but events got in the way and I had to rush home from work instead. I did to my 10 minute stretching session but nothing else.

Thursday was a cinema trip to the new Star Trek movie. But the times worked out so I could run on the treadmill first. Did 3k in 25mins again. Then I also had a quick go on the bike for a cool-down spin.

Star Trek Into Darkness was awesome. I can't explain how awesome without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it though. So go and see it NOW! 

Friday I had a proper rest day.

Saturday I went for an easy solo ride on my road bike. I picked an out and back route that happened to have a massive headwind on the first half. I felt really empty on the way out, which was probably partly due to the massive breakfast I had in the morning and still trying to digest it. After the halfway point I felt much better and pushed on. I also did all my odd numbered miles on the aero bars and sat up more comfortably for the even miles. The aero position is pretty hard on my back and neck. Definitely need to do more of this. Took 53 mins going out and 42 coming back. Part of that was the wind, part of that was the effort level, part of that was my breakfast.

Saturday afternoon I went and picked up my awesome new Team GB Oakleys from Optiko in Union Square.

Then in the evening I did my plank for 65 secs and then a 10-min stretching session.

Sunday I went out to Knockburn Loch for the first time this year. I did an easy 8.5 mile run first and was going at about race pace, which is pretty good considering how hilly the route was and how easily I was going. Then I went in the water for my first open water swim of the year. Then I got straight back out again. I am not dealing well with the cold since my bout of hypothermia and the intense pain in my toes and fingers was too much. 

Plank for 70 secs. Core session. Stretching session.

Overall for the week I am slightly under some of my planned targets. But the targets for this week were massive, and I am pretty happy with what I have done. Missing Wednesday's gym session put most of the dent in the numbers and I only missed it for something outwith my control.
So targets for last week (Week 19) were:
Swim >1 mile. Bike >120 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions

Actuals were:
Monday - 81.2 miles on the bike in 5 hours 16 mins.
Swim with TPT, 1,650m in 55 mins.

Tuesday - Run 7.2 miles in 60 mins. 

Core session. 
Stretching session. Plank 70 secs (P-70s).

Wednesday - Rest day. Stretching session.

Thursday - 5k treadmill run 25 mins. 3.8mile exercise bike in 12 mins.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Bike 25.6 miles, 1 hour 35.

Stretching session. P-65s.

Sunday - Run 8.5 miles in 1hr 16.

O/W Swim, 25m!
Core session. 
Stretching session.

Result - 
Swim 1 mile (1,675 m). Bike 110.6 miles. Run 18.9 miles. 2 core and 4 stretching session.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Training Plan - Week 20 - May 13 to 19

Might start regular open water swimming this week. Hopefully going for a test swim at Knockburn on Sunday, if I can drag myself out of bed early enough and get my run miles in. Once I see how cold the water is I will make a call on the midweek session.

Monday - Swim with TPT. Stretching session.

Tuesday - Easy run > 7 miles. Core.

Wednesday - Gym sessionStretching. 

Thursday -  MTB brick or open water swim. Core.

Friday - Rest day or easy swim. Stretching. 

Saturday - Long bike. Core.

Sunday - Long run. >9 miles.

Target totals - Swim >1 mile. Bike >50 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions. 

Thursday, 9 May 2013

100 days to go

Today is 100 days to go until Aberfeldy Half Ironman.

I have already managed to do the whole swim distance in one session a few times, and the whole bike distance in one go, twice. My running is improving and I think I can probably manage the whole run in one go, I just need to find someone else who is doing a long enough run that fits my training plan to prove it.

I also know I can transition between events easily enough but I need to keep the brick sessions in, as the bike to run change is definitely a weakness that I need to tidy up.

My training plan to date has mostly been just about racking up training time and miles. But so far I haven't done anything much in the way of over-distance. (OK, I wrote that line before Monday's 81-mile bike ride). So I need to be going a bit further for the next month or so, and turning the race-length sessions into multi sport sessions rather than just doing one long sport at a time. And then I need to start to up the pace of more of the medium and longer sessions towards race pace rather than just getting round the miles.

I have already started to add some focus into my weaker areas. For the last month or so I have been trying to get longer single runs in. This week I have already added more stretching and core work.

Couple of things still to add though. Over the next few weeks I will start on outdoor swimming. Knockburn Loch opened on Monday. (I am missing this week as I want to keep the running and see the new Star Trek movie). I also need to spend some time on my new bike and in particular more time in my aero position. And my neck muscles need some work if I want to be able to see where I am going.

So far this year I have done a pretty good job of keeping my weight steady at 78kg. And I have stated that I would like to be back up at 80kg. But, the way I am swimming and biking already I am pretty sure I don't need to add any significant amounts of muscle. I am carrying a bit of spare weight around the middle that I can afford to lose without affecting my performance or breaking my annual target of staying above 75kg. 

I am also considering sneaking in another half ironman in less than 3 weeks time. The Highland Warrior is apparently the flattest course possible. And not having it on my plan means I could start it and just see how far I get, or just tootle round taking it easy. A few things still conspiring against this idea. If something was to go seriously wrong it could make Aberfeldy more mentally difficult. It is a sea loch for the swim, I don't like salt water swims. I have spent less than 35 minutes on the fast bike so far. All the bits above that I know need work. And so on. Still not decided either way.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Training Review - Week 18 - April 29 to May 5

Monday I did a long stretching session before swimming. This definitely made a big difference after the weekend's cycling. Session totalled out at 1,800m with some sighting drills and a lot of aerobic work.

Tuesday I was going for a short run with a friend, but we arranged to start from her work, so I could do an extra mile each way to the start. This gave me 7 miles in an about an hour.

Also my new TT bike arrived. It is going to get a post to itself at some point.

Wednesday, set a new low on the brick session. Bailed completely on it. Was utterly exhausted. Haven't had a rest day for 10 days and then didn't sleep well. Did do my stretching session and plank.

Thursday, I decided to spread the missed brick over Thursday and Friday to fit in with times for a Friday cinema trip. So I did a quick 10-mile on the exercise bike. This leaves me looking for 40 more at the weekend. If the weather is dry I am going to try and do 4 x 10-mile time trials back-to-back. Two on each bike, 5 miles out from my house and 5 back. This should give me a rough idea of how the new bike handles, what difference it makes to my speed, how comfortable it is etc, all without ever being more than 5 miles from my house in case anything needs a major fix or adjustment. Did do my stretching session and plank again.

Friday I went to the gym before the cinema. Did an easy 5k run in 25 mins. Then went on the rowing maching for the first time since I had my collar bone pinned, did 10 minutes without any problems. Added in my 10 minute stretching session and plank.

Saturday I wet out to test my new bike. Did 2 x 10 mile rides, have put the details of those into the post about my new bike. One on each bike. Plank 65 secs. And a core session.

Sunday I was crewing at Deeside Duathlon / Triathlon. That is a long hard day out, and I got some sunburn from it. Still managed to fit in an easy 5 mile run while waiting for the kayak leg to finish.

Bit of a short week for totals, and a missed bike target but a huge week to follow so happy enough with what I have done. Also it actually works out close to what I want to do in an "average" week this year so no complaints.

So targets for last week (Week 18) were:

Swim >1 mile. Bike >50 miles. Run >15 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Actuals were:
Monday - 10 minute stretching session. Plank 35 seconds.
Swim with TPT, 1,800m in 55 mins.

Tuesday - 7 mile run, 61mins. 

10 minute stretching session. Plank 40 seconds.

Wednesday - Rest Day. 
10 minute stretching session. Plank 55 seconds.

Thursday - 10 mile exercise bike in 30 mins.
10 minute stretching session. Plank 60 seconds.

Friday - Treadmill 5k in 24:35. Rowing machine, 10mins for 2,152m. 10 minute stretching session. 
Plank 60 seconds.

Saturday - 10.3 mile bike (road bike), 36 mins.
10.3 mile bike ride (TT bike), 34 mins.
10 minute core session. Plank 65 seconds.

Sunday - 5 mile run, 40 mins.

Result - 
Swim 1.1 miles (1,800 m). Bike 30.6 miles. Run 15.2 miles. 1 core and 5 stretching session.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Training Plan - Week 19 - May 6 to 12

Holiday on Monday this week so three long days in this week, including 2 very long rides. 80 on the Monday is going to be by far my longest ride ever and is way over what I would do in a normal week. So some big mileage targets for the week.

My core and flexibility have been massively neglected. I can barely hold a plank for 30 seconds! And I can't reach my toes until part way through a stretching session. This is starting to become an issue on the bike as they are both limiting how long I can spend in my aero position. Fortunately, as I have tested this week, I can work on them without really affecting any of my other sessions so I am going to add to my current plan by putting 6 x 15 minute sessions a week. I started this as a trial last week, but it is in as a proper part of the plan for this week.

4 runs planned in for this week, including a long one on the Sunday. Might drop one of them for a swim if I don't make the TPT Monday night session, or to get in a second swim. 

Monday - Long ride ~80 miles. Stretching. 
Might manage swimming with TPT as well, but not really expecting to.

Tuesday - Easy recovery run. Core.

Wednesday - Run. Stretching. 100 days to Aberfeldy!

Thursday -  Treadmill run. Star Trek Into Darkness! Core.

Friday - Rest Day. Stretching. 

Saturday - Long bike. Core.

Sunday - Long run. >9 miles.

Target totals - Swim >1 mile. Bike >120 miles. Run >20 miles. 3 short core and 3 short stretching sessions. 

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Shiny thing!

This is my shiny new toy.

The reason I have held off posting this one is that I wasn't sure I was keeping it. Wiggle did a shit job of  assembling and shipping it. They claim "Each DA is fully built, tested and tuned by Wiggle's team of qualified bike mechanics to ensure you're bike arrives in perfect condition." 

They ask for your size info, but don't set it up for that size. Then they ship it with half the parts not fitted, and stuffed in the box so that the loose handlebars chip all the fork paintwork and scratch the rims. Then we start on the sheer laziness; they don't grease the carbon parts so they are already seized by the time they arrive, they half inflate the tyres, they break one of the dust caps, they don't adjust the brakes equally (fronts are loose, rears are so tight they rub) , they supply the battery charger with a korean plug, and don't charge the battery, the cable tidies are missing or incorrectly fitted ... the list is extensive. 

It arrived Tuesday, and I spent a chunk of that evening putting the basics together to get it to the state of the photo. I then spent another couple of hours of Wednesday evening trying to undo some of that fault list, much of which involved removing sizeable bits of machinery in order to refit them correctly. And a bit of Friday evening fiddling with the settings to try and get them closer to the right set up for my size.

I finally took it out for a ride on saturday morning. I planned to ride 4 x 10 mile time trials, two on each bike. I did a 10-mile route from my house on my road bike in 35:36. Then I had a 15 min break then went out on the TT bike and did the same route in 33:58. My plan was to try and keep the effort levels easy and then to go out again on each bike. Doing each ride twice would hopefully correct out some of the inherent errors. However, this would be the point where I found out that Wiggle hadn't bothered to charge the battery on the Di2 shifters so I had to take them apart and go to the shop for a cable to charge it.

Anyway, with some fine tuning still to do on my position, and feeling like I put fairly similar effort levels into each ride it looks like the change of bike is worth 10 seconds a mile, or thereabouts. It is slower through corners, but I think much of that was just me being a bit nervous on it. It is much more comfortable in the aero position than sat up. It is difficult to climb on, not slower just more difficult to balance and handle. Brakes are better, the Di2 shifters are nice but are going to take some getting used to.

Have fiddled again with some of the positions. And charge the battery. If I get home at a sensible time tomorrow and am not too tired I will maybe take it out on the same route again. But don't want to do too much as I am going out for an 80-mile ride on Monday.

For any bike nuts out there, here is the full spec:

Top Features of the Felt DA2 Dura Ace Di2 2012

The DA is the ultimate TT machine and is designed entirely for speed. Built around the aerodynamic UHC Advanced carbon fibre frame and using Shimano's Dura Ace Di2 components, the DA2 is ready to tackle your next race against the clock.
Frame: Felt TT/Tri UHC Advanced MMC carbon fibre
Fork: Felt Bayonet3 UHC Advanced MMC carbon fibre monocoque
Headset: Felt Bayonet3 stainless steel 19mm integrated ACB
Stem: Felt Bayonet3 integrated 2D forged & CNC machined aluminium
Handlebar: Felt Bayonet bar with Di2 optimised internal cable routing, integrated adjustable length UHC Ultimate + Nano carbon fibre bend tri-position extensions
Bar Tape: Felt Gel Velvet
Shifters: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 & SW-7971 bar end
Front Derailleur: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, braze-on
Rear Derailleur: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, 10 speed
Chainset: Vision TriMax carbon TT BB30, 53/39T
Bottom Bracket: FSA BB30
Chain: Shimano 10 speed
Cassette: Shimano 11-25T
Brake Levers: Shimano Dura-Ace Di2
Brakes: Felt integrated aerodynamic front U-brake & rear liner pull with cartridge brake pads
Saddle: Felt SL Tri/TT
Seat Post: Felt Aero UHC Ultimate carbon fibre bladed monocoque x 350mm
Wheelset: Reynolds/Felt TTR1 AWS 46mm deep carbon clincher
Tyres: Felt Aero TTR AWS 220tpi clincher, 700c x 23c
Accessories: Di2 battery & battery charger, aero battery cover
  • Road
  • Frame Material: Carbon
  • Wheel Size: 700c (622)
  • Fork Material: Carbon
  • Model Year: 2012
  • Brake Type: Caliper
  • Chainset type: Double
  • Groupset Manufacturer: Shimano
  • Unisex
  • Cable Routing: Internal
  • Condition: New
Built with the wind-cheating Bayonet base bar, Reynolds/Felt TTR1 aero wheels, and internal cable routing, the DA2 is a no compromises race machine. Dura Ace Di2 electronic shifters deliver precise and accurate shifting, while the Bayonet 3 fork provides exceptional aerodynamics and unprecedented adjustability.