Monday, 6 May 2013

Training Review - Week 18 - April 29 to May 5

Monday I did a long stretching session before swimming. This definitely made a big difference after the weekend's cycling. Session totalled out at 1,800m with some sighting drills and a lot of aerobic work.

Tuesday I was going for a short run with a friend, but we arranged to start from her work, so I could do an extra mile each way to the start. This gave me 7 miles in an about an hour.

Also my new TT bike arrived. It is going to get a post to itself at some point.

Wednesday, set a new low on the brick session. Bailed completely on it. Was utterly exhausted. Haven't had a rest day for 10 days and then didn't sleep well. Did do my stretching session and plank.

Thursday, I decided to spread the missed brick over Thursday and Friday to fit in with times for a Friday cinema trip. So I did a quick 10-mile on the exercise bike. This leaves me looking for 40 more at the weekend. If the weather is dry I am going to try and do 4 x 10-mile time trials back-to-back. Two on each bike, 5 miles out from my house and 5 back. This should give me a rough idea of how the new bike handles, what difference it makes to my speed, how comfortable it is etc, all without ever being more than 5 miles from my house in case anything needs a major fix or adjustment. Did do my stretching session and plank again.

Friday I went to the gym before the cinema. Did an easy 5k run in 25 mins. Then went on the rowing maching for the first time since I had my collar bone pinned, did 10 minutes without any problems. Added in my 10 minute stretching session and plank.

Saturday I wet out to test my new bike. Did 2 x 10 mile rides, have put the details of those into the post about my new bike. One on each bike. Plank 65 secs. And a core session.

Sunday I was crewing at Deeside Duathlon / Triathlon. That is a long hard day out, and I got some sunburn from it. Still managed to fit in an easy 5 mile run while waiting for the kayak leg to finish.

Bit of a short week for totals, and a missed bike target but a huge week to follow so happy enough with what I have done. Also it actually works out close to what I want to do in an "average" week this year so no complaints.

So targets for last week (Week 18) were:

Swim >1 mile. Bike >50 miles. Run >15 miles. A core or stretching session. 

Actuals were:
Monday - 10 minute stretching session. Plank 35 seconds.
Swim with TPT, 1,800m in 55 mins.

Tuesday - 7 mile run, 61mins. 

10 minute stretching session. Plank 40 seconds.

Wednesday - Rest Day. 
10 minute stretching session. Plank 55 seconds.

Thursday - 10 mile exercise bike in 30 mins.
10 minute stretching session. Plank 60 seconds.

Friday - Treadmill 5k in 24:35. Rowing machine, 10mins for 2,152m. 10 minute stretching session. 
Plank 60 seconds.

Saturday - 10.3 mile bike (road bike), 36 mins.
10.3 mile bike ride (TT bike), 34 mins.
10 minute core session. Plank 65 seconds.

Sunday - 5 mile run, 40 mins.

Result - 
Swim 1.1 miles (1,800 m). Bike 30.6 miles. Run 15.2 miles. 1 core and 5 stretching session.

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