Thursday, 9 May 2013

100 days to go

Today is 100 days to go until Aberfeldy Half Ironman.

I have already managed to do the whole swim distance in one session a few times, and the whole bike distance in one go, twice. My running is improving and I think I can probably manage the whole run in one go, I just need to find someone else who is doing a long enough run that fits my training plan to prove it.

I also know I can transition between events easily enough but I need to keep the brick sessions in, as the bike to run change is definitely a weakness that I need to tidy up.

My training plan to date has mostly been just about racking up training time and miles. But so far I haven't done anything much in the way of over-distance. (OK, I wrote that line before Monday's 81-mile bike ride). So I need to be going a bit further for the next month or so, and turning the race-length sessions into multi sport sessions rather than just doing one long sport at a time. And then I need to start to up the pace of more of the medium and longer sessions towards race pace rather than just getting round the miles.

I have already started to add some focus into my weaker areas. For the last month or so I have been trying to get longer single runs in. This week I have already added more stretching and core work.

Couple of things still to add though. Over the next few weeks I will start on outdoor swimming. Knockburn Loch opened on Monday. (I am missing this week as I want to keep the running and see the new Star Trek movie). I also need to spend some time on my new bike and in particular more time in my aero position. And my neck muscles need some work if I want to be able to see where I am going.

So far this year I have done a pretty good job of keeping my weight steady at 78kg. And I have stated that I would like to be back up at 80kg. But, the way I am swimming and biking already I am pretty sure I don't need to add any significant amounts of muscle. I am carrying a bit of spare weight around the middle that I can afford to lose without affecting my performance or breaking my annual target of staying above 75kg. 

I am also considering sneaking in another half ironman in less than 3 weeks time. The Highland Warrior is apparently the flattest course possible. And not having it on my plan means I could start it and just see how far I get, or just tootle round taking it easy. A few things still conspiring against this idea. If something was to go seriously wrong it could make Aberfeldy more mentally difficult. It is a sea loch for the swim, I don't like salt water swims. I have spent less than 35 minutes on the fast bike so far. All the bits above that I know need work. And so on. Still not decided either way.

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