Sunday 21 July 2013

Training Plan - Week 30 - July 22 to 28

This week will finish off with Inverurie triathlon. Only heavy session is the long run on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday I might try and turn the pace up a little, depending on how my legs feel. Sunday's race is going to be more about the transitions and race prep than the actual race. 

Monday - Bike 25 miles.

Tuesday - Long run >10 miles. 

Wednesday - Swim and run at Knockburn.

Thursday - Bike / run brick, with TT bike if it is back.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Easy short ride or run.

Sunday -  Inverurie Sprint Triathlon.

Target totals - Swim >2 miles. Bike >60 miles. Run >20 miles. 1 run over 10 miles. 1 short core and 1 short stretching session.

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