Monday, 19 August 2013

Training Review - Week 33 - August 12 to 18

Monday I was planning to ride 20 miles. Dragged myself out on the road bike but was a crappy evening. Headwind, cold, showery rain. No point in risking anything on the greasy roads so I decided to drop through the gears, cut my route short and just spin my legs for half an hour to clear them out. Got home and in the door and didn't even have my shoes off before the whole sky fell in. Thunder and lightning and everything. Despite just spinning my legs round at no effort into a headwind I set 3 new Strava PRs. It isn't a route I ride a lot but obviously my legs are in pretty great shape.

Tuesday I took a really easy 5k jog around Dyce. Bit muggy and warm but easy enough.

Wednesday I went out to Knockburn and did two nice easy swim laps in my slow suit. Fast suit is already packed for the weekend. It is a lot more comfortable than I remember, but it is still comparatively slow against my race suit.

Thursday I had a slight niggle in my heel. Feels like it is bruised but can't see how I could have. Decided to play safe and skip my last jog. Spent the evening sorting out all my gear. Packed and repacked and rerepacked everything. Then packed a complete second set of extra gear that I won't need as spare. 

Friday was registration day. I got up ridicuously early as still try to reset my body clock for Saturday.

Saturday was Aberfeldy Half Ironman, which will get a massively long post to itself.

Sunday would have been a rest day anyway, but is enforced due to the damage I have done to my knee. Can just about hobble around the house, and have made some minor inroads into clearing up my gear but can't see the bike making it out of the car or getting cleaned.

So targets for last week (Week 33) were:

Target totals - Finish Aberfeldy Half Ironman. (Stretch target - Finish under 6 hours).

Actuals were:

Monday - Easy road ride 8.3 miles, 35mins.

Tuesday -  Jog 3.1 in 27mins.

Wednesday - Swim 1,200m 

Thursday - Rest day. Light stretching.

Friday - Registration.

Saturday - Aberfeldy Half Ironman.

Sunday -  Rest day.

Result - 
Swim 1.9 miles (3,100 m). Bike 65.0 miles. Run 16.2 miles. 0 core and 1 stretching sessions. Finished Aberfeldy Half Ironman - sort of - in 6 hours 20.

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