Sunday, 24 November 2013

Training Plan - Week 48 - Nov 25 to Dec 1 - Updated

Short week this week as a couple of things are going to get in the way. Have adjusted what I can to fit in with other people. After this week I am looking at starting to increase the numbers fairly massively as I have most of December off work. Failure to use my holidays through the year means I have to use them all now.

I should pass through 2,000 bike miles some time this week. Currently at 1,998.
I should also pass through 623 run miles. Currently at 619. That may seem like an arbitrary number but it is the total from 2010, which was the lowest mileage I have on record other than last year's non-efforts. Still on course for 700 which would be a really good year.

Monday - Swim with TPT.

Tuesday -  Easy run or mountain bike.

Wednesday - Night run at Kirkhill.

Thursday -  
Date night.

Friday - Rest day.

Saturday - Long-ish ride. Xmas Ball.

Sunday - Rest day (Probable hangover from works Xmas ball).

Target totals - Swim >1 miles. Bike >30 miles. Run >6 miles. 1 short core, 1 short light weights and 1 short stretching sessions. 30mins of wii yoga. 

Get weight back under 80kg.

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