Hips too far forward.
Back much too curved.
Shoulder angles, not terrible, but not great.
Head tilted too far.
And so on.
At least I look happier and more comfortable running.
Tuesday was nearly a nightmare. I went out for my run, got 50 yards and Garmin died. Was going a route I haven't done for years and needed to do the distance so went home and plugged it in. Spent nearly an hour getting increasingly frustrated with it but did finally get it fixed. So I was late going out but I did still go for a run out the old railway line. Did 8.2 miles in 67 mins. then came home and put the TT bike on the turbo trainer and set up the camera. Made a few small changes to my position again.
Wednesday I took the TT bike out to Knockburn and took a roll around the sprint triathlon course for this sunday's race. Still a few niggles with the bike. It is making a noise when I pedal, and the headset is still squeaking as if it is loose whenever I have to get out of the saddle. Anyway, a group of us coasted round the 11 mile course in just over 41 minutes. Should go much quicker on Sunday, but good to remind myself of the few small climbs.
Then went in the loch for 3 laps. Any one of my three laps from today was faster than my fastest single lap from last year, and I wasn't particularly pushing on any of them. 37 minutes total, fastest lap was 11:39. That's my swim miles for this week ticked off with the race still to come.
Thursday was a cinema day so just a quick 5k on the treadmill in 24 mins. Then Byzantium. What a strange and pointless film.
Friday I had planned another easy roll on the the TT bike but decided instead to have a rest day. Legs are still not recovered from racing last Saturday.
Saturday was hard work. I didn't sleep well again, and when I got up in the morning I really just wanted a proper rest day before racing. Too much to do though and had to cram it all in before lunchtime so I could go to the cinema in the afternoon. Eventually dragged myself out on the TT bike but sacked that after less than a mile and just rolled round the block and home.
Garmin was being shit again. After another hour of trying to fix it I have finally given up and sent it back to Garmin with a complaint letter. This will make at least the next couple of weeks of training more difficult to track. I am tempted to send just go out and buy another and send them the bill. Also something on the TT bike is still really noisy and I can't find the source. It is rubbing loud enough that other riders were complaining on Wednesday. I have checked everything I can and still can't find the problem.
Sunday I did Knockburn Sprint Triathlon. Separate Race report to come on Tuesday.
So targets for last week (Week 23) were:
Swim >2 miles. Bike >40 miles. Run >14 miles. 1 short core and 1 short stretching sessions.
Actuals were:
Monday - Swim with TPT, 1,675m in 55 mins.
Tuesday - Run 8.2 miles, 67 mins. TT turbo, 20 mins, ~5 miles.
Wednesday - TT Bike at Knockburn, 11.2 miles, 42 mins. Swim at Knockburn, 3 laps (1,800m) in 37 mins.
Thursday - Gym treadmill only, 5k (3.1 miles) in 24 mins.
Friday - Rest day.
Saturday - TT bike ~3 miles in 11 mins.
Sunday - Knockburn Sprint Triathlon. Swim 750m, 14mins. TT bike 11.2 miles, 35mins. Run 5k, 22mins.
Core session. Stretching session.
Core session. Stretching session.
Result -
Swim 2.6 miles (4,225 m). Bike 30.4 miles. Run 14.3 miles. 1 core and 1 stretching sessions.
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