Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Diet and nutrition

OK, so my diet is pretty terrible. And one of my drafted posts that I am sitting on has a dig at the difference between nutritionists and dieticians and at supplement abuse. So in the spirit of not casting stones without looking the mirror I am going to post my own diet to show you what it is like.

I have pretty much just ignored what I eat as long I like what I am eating and it was keeping me fuelled enough to train and not giving me any problems.

So this week I am keeping a diary of everything I eat (and drink cos I have huge amounts of tea and coffee). I am intentionally going to try not making any changes to my normal diet this week. Just trying to keep track of it so that I can give you an idea into what I normally eat.

Unfortunately this plan suffers a little from the Heisenberg observer effect. Simply being more aware of it and especially writing it down is going to make me more aware of what I put away and will probably nag at my conscious to change what I eat, especially when I start writing down the amount of crisps and coffee and sweets. But hopefully being aware of that effect I can minimise it and just stick to as much of my normal diet as possible.

Here are a few things that should show up if I can keep from changing.
 1. I don't have breakfast unless I am going out for a long morning training session. So the only day there should be anything in before lunchtime is if I do a long session at the weekend and squeeze in a couple of butteries or some toast.
 2. Way too much coffee.
 3. I am a carnivore. There will be no meat free meals.
 4. Really, not kidding about the coffee.
 5. There is such a thing as a free lunch, and they are easily abused!

I have set the posting date on this for Wednesday as my weekly training review posts on Monday and my race report from Knockburn Duathlon on Tuesday. I should have an idea how it is going by the time it goes live.

Weight check at 7am Monday morning was 78.5 kg.

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