Tuesday, I was knackered from not sleeping, and a bit sniffly. Still can't tell if I have a bug or not as it still hasn't come to anything. Did a full stretching session.
Wednesday was running in the dark at Kirkhill. New route, bit shorter and wetter than I would have liked, but still good. Finally got a tour of the infamous standing stones. Tried to garmin them but they are too close together and garmin isn't sensitive enough.
Thursday was date night again. Went to see Hunger Games 2. Better than the first one. Still shot full of holes in the story that make no sense.
Friday, I had a friend round testing my TT bike for size. I put it on the turbo trainer for him, and should really have gotten on it myself after he left, but to be honest, I just hate the turbo, so I didn't bother. The weather outside was much too nasty even to go for a run.
Saturday was the last day of movember. Here is the last of the photos. The full set and the place to leave your donations are here.
Didn't want to do anything too severe in the exercise front as I had my work Xmas ball at night. Went for an easy run in the morning, just round the block of Dyce for 3.6 miles. My running style at the minute is still a terrible shuffling mess. Started to do some work on it during this run. Going to try and makes some changes to it through December.
Not been on the bike all week though. And done nothing on core or flexibility.
Weight is a problem this week. I have managed to put on 5 lbs through the week. Partly a low exercise week, partly enjoying too many pre-xmas treats. All you can eat buffets twice in a low mileage week is not a good idea.
So targets for last week (Week 48) were:
Swim >1 miles. Bike >30 miles. Run >6 miles. 1 short core, 1 short light weights and 1 short stretching sessions. 30mins of wii yoga.
Keep weight under 80kg.
Keep weight under 80kg.
Actuals were:
Monday - Swim with TPT. 1,700m in 51 mins.
Tuesday - Rest Day.
Wednesday - Run at Kirkhill. 3.3 miles in 38 minutes.
Thursday - Cinema day - Hunger Games 2. Better than Hunger Games at least.
Friday - Day off. Weather.
Saturday - Works Xmas Ball. Easy run, 3.6 miles, 29 mins.
Sunday - Easy run, 3.8 miles in 32 mins.
Result - Swim 1.1 miles (1,700m). Bike 0 miles. Run 10.7 miles. 0 short core, 1 short light weights and 1 short stretching sessions. 0 mins of wii yoga.
Weight 81.5 kg
Weight 81.5 kg
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